Supporting female health through focused campaign

Supporting female health through focused campaign

published by Wangaratta Chronicle

THE South Wangaratta and Docker Street General Medical Centres have doctors and nurses who specialise in women’s health.

They offer a number of support and clinical services for females including cervical screening, breast care awareness, pelvic floor education and bowel screening education.

They also offer referral pathways for further investigation where required, mental health care plans and an onsite counselling service.

Their nurses and GPs can carry out a number of health assessments including chronic disease management and age- appropriate health assessments.

During Women’s Health Week – September 5 to 11 – the two centres are supporting Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week.

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for- profit organisation dedicated to improving women’s health across Australia through every life stage.

Women’s Health Week is Australia’s biggest event dedicated to the health of women, girls and gender diverse people in Australia.

This year’s campaign will focus on the top five concerns in women’s health: menopause, pelvic health, mind health, movement and health checks.

To acknowledge women, girls and gender diverse people in our community during Women’s Health Week, the South Wangaratta and Docker Street General Medical Centres will be sharing useful resources on this year’s featured topics.

They will also randomly distributing show bags which include health information and special gifts plus three special prizes.

They will also remind women that it’s okay to put yourself first.

“Within our clinics, our staff align with this passion in supporting women, girls and gender diverse people within our community,” clinical project co-ordinator and practice nurse EEN Naomi Fieldew said.

“We want to offer a supportive environment to discuss their concerns freely and confidentially,” practice nurse Elizabeth Jesser added.

The two clinics continuously promote good health through various campaigns and are a Park Run Practice, with staff and patients encouraged to participate in a 5km walk/run every Saturday morning at 8am, at Apex Park.

To book an appointment with the caring, friendly staff at either South Wangaratta or Docker Street, phone 5713 9299 or 5722 4887 respectively.

Copyright 2021 Northeast General Practice Services Pty Ltd trading as South Wangaratta Medical Centre.