Contact Information

Doctors may be contacted during normal practice opening hours. If the doctor is in a consultation a message will be taken and our receptionist will advise you when it is likely that the doctor will return your call. Emergency calls will always be put through to your doctor.

Docker Street General Medical Centre

Practice Information

Opening Hours

South Wangaratta Medical Centre​

Practice Information

Opening Hours

Support After Hours

After Hours Care – In an emergency phone 000 (triple zero)

After hours services available include:

  • The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED) allows you to access care for non-life-threatening emergencies. You can connect to the VVED from anywhere in Victoria. Please click here for more information.
  • Nurse on call (telephone advice service) Ph: 1300 60 60 24
  • GP After Hours Helpline (telephone advice service) Ph: 1800 022 222
  • Your local Emergency Department
  • Urgent pathology or diagnostic health service professionals who need to contact a GP after hours can call (03) 57 139 299 and follow the prompts to access the on-call GP.

Our GP Clinics only provide urgent after-hours services to our active patients. There is a minimum out of pocket fee of $50 for using urgent after-hours phone service. When phoning the clinics after hours you will be given an after-hours phone number that will connect you with the doctor on call.

We cannot offer advice or care to patients with whom we are not familiar.

Copyright 2021 Northeast General Practice Services Pty Ltd trading as South Wangaratta Medical Centre.